The 10 years series of my life...(Happy 24th Wedding Anniversary!)

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The first 10 years of my life has always been a question mark ?? as why
do this or that happened. Confusion and puzzled with remarks & comments
people passed to me. I looked at them back begging silently for explanation.
Never really felt how loved exchange within a family. Hatred lingered freely around anyone in
the house. Like some kind of natural feeling everyone in the house has.
As a child I can feel that even sincerity came with a good acting skill.
When people laugh, I laughed with them and when they cried, I could feel the sadness too.
But those question went on unanswered and I felt empty feeling more lost.

The next 10 years, slowly the truth surfaced. I walked through every single pain facts about
what actually happened and why it happened. Though the hard truth came much earlier and clearer
for me, no one really cares. No one! I brave myself out of the pain truth and move forward
after putting much depression on myself thinking about everything. Then someone out of
nowhere came into my life. My knight in shining armor. Someone I entrust my life story and
lay my feelings deep down into the bed of his heart. Like a princess. But I came to learn quickly
afterwards that something good never stays long with you. What is not yours will never be yours.
I lost someone very dear to me in a massive road accident. I put the episode to an end without realizing that he brought along my soul with him. A few months after that, life became dreadful for me. For the first time I understood love and it was reciprocated nicely as I always hope it would be. Like a fairy tale. Only it was not a a happy ever after for me. it was not meant for me. He appeared just to make me smile, warm my heart and most importantly taught me the meaning of love.
Till now, that is what left of him in my heart though I have moved on and love someone else dearly.

The next 10 years were splendid for me as I shared with a person who not only loves me but
understand me at my best and worst more than anybody not even my family.
He is my reality. Love weaves us together. Went on the roller coaster of life together.
Inseparable, that's us! Practically we go anywhere together. We just love to be together.
We shared many good moments. Even the rough moments were good actually.
We settled down early and build an empire of a cute family.
Soon after it's five of us. With 2 little princess and 1 superhero, they complete both of us.
I put my heart and soul to them and still falling head over heels for my man.
Marriage life is not a bed of roses. Things get tougher and tougher as the little ones
keeps on growing and needing more attention in every ways.
Both of us do get the tension of our lives and nerves wrecking arguments but
frankly its the spices that draw us nearer, closer and understand more when we are at our
worst. Best things monitored, the little one now grown into quite an interesting team.

Now, the present, its the next 10 years living with a great team. I just love them.
A team of 5 members of a club. Headed by 2 experienced mentor, and note back we are
lovable mentors. A team with peculiar character that runs around and knows each other interest
at heart. We shared 2 common interest which is travelling and the other is reading. A team
that go through a lot of hardship together and have fun equally when life permits.
I cannot imagine a single moment without thinking about them. When the going gets tough,
we have the team to rely on. I was amazed that the 3 tiny little one that sleeps in my arms,
on my shoulder and on my lap, have now grown into lovely individual with charming
personality. All 3 of them have special talent in them that surprised me.
To wrap up, I am on the top of the world with what have been blessed to me.
Its god's gift. I thank Allah swt for that. The joy that once I thought I lost forever, was there
all along. It just need courage, effort and sincerity for it to slowly emerge out from yourself.
To the man whom I have always love, thank you for standing beside me for the past 24 years.
Forgive all the woe I caused to you and accept all of my shortcoming all this while.
You have always showered me with love even though life has been tough for us.
Forget about the outside world that will hinder our happiness, together we work hard
for Jannah and road to the after world, the akhirah. Lets put our hands together for Dua' to
the creator, to give us more contentment and always be submissive to Allah swt.
To my 3 other team mates, life is an endearing journey if you make it as what is expected
of you by the creator. Make it worth not only for yourself but for others too.
Always respect your elders, be humble and never say ill of others.
Follow the correct path, you will well be on your way to success.
Both of us, your mentors, will always be by your side, to guide and talk things out.
One thing for sure, our love will never decrease, nor will it diminish even when
the time comes for you to have a team of your own.
Our never ending feelings for each other will always flow within us till our time is up.
Always remember that......LOVE bind us forever.


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