No kidding but good body shape and clear fabulous complexion is all what every woman dream of.
As any other woman would love the attention given when been looked at, do bear in mind that
all the above are subjective. Seriously, at the end of the day, you would only like to look pretty for
the one you love the most. Not all but ONE! And what if that ONE only sees you pretty differently?
Meaning rather than having that good body shape and fabulous face, he prefer you to be charming
and heartily beautiful. On top of that, he wants you to be intelligent as to be able to interact and
blends into his social life. Be able to manage his 'assets' in future *assets as in family and children
once married. Be able to lead him on whenever he is lost. Be able to give him the extra booster of strength
whenever he find himself falling into difficulty. Most of all, he expects you to love him 24 hours
without restrictions and conditions. Sounds a little bit too much?? is always better
to shape yourself to all those good traits rather than just having good physical outlook.
As the saying always goes....'Beauty with Brains' is the best to describe a fabulous woman.

I have tried it. The words worked magically! Try it, you'll be amazed....