Choux Pastry
1 cup all purpose flour (250 ml)
1 cup water (250 ml)
½ teaspoon salt (2 ml)
½ cup butter, cut into pieces (125 ml)
4 large eggs
1 beaten egg, for brushing
Cocoa Cream Pastry
1 ¾ cups whipping (35 %) cream (425 ml)
3 tablespoons icing sugar (45 ml)
3 tablespoons cocoa, sifted (45 ml)
1 teaspoon vanilla (5 ml)
1 tablespoon Kahlua or other flavoured liqueur (15 ml)
Chocolate Glaze
6 ounces semisweet chocolate (170 grams)
¾ cup thirty-five percent cream (175 ml)
2 tablespoons corn syrup (30 ml)


Choux Pastry
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
2. Line a large baking sheet or 2 smaller baking sheets with parchment paper.
3. Sift flour with salt. Set aside.
4. Add water and pieces of butter over medium heat until mixture comes to the boil. Immediately add sifted flour mixture all at once and stir with a wooden spoon. Remove mixture from heat and continue stirring until mixture pulls away from the sides of the pan. Return mixture to heat and stir slightly longer to dry the mixture, about 2 minutes.
5. Remove mixture from heat. Beat in one egg at a time, stirring with a wooden spoon until mixture is shiny and falls from the spoon after each addition. Mixture will break apart after adding each egg but will become smooth again after stirring vigorously.
6. Using a piping bag with a large round piping tip, fill the bag ½ full. Pipe a line of choux pastry 4-inches long, spacing the pastry 2-inches apart, on prepared baking sheet. Brush pastry lightly with beaten egg. Bake until golden brown and hollow sounding, about 20 minutes. Transfer to cool on wire rack. Cool completely before filling.

Cocoa Cream Pastry
1. In a stand mixer or with electric mixer, whip cream until soft peaks form, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add icing sugar and cocoa and whip until stiff. Fold kahlua into whipped cream. Cover with plastic wrap. Chill cocoa cream for about 1 hour before filling the éclairs.
Chocolate Glaze
1. Chop chocolate finely and add to a medium bowl. Boil cream and pour over chocolate. Let stand for several minutes to start melting the chocolate. Stir until smooth. Add the corn syrup and stir until smooth.

1. Carefully cut each éclair in half lengthwise.
2. Fit a piping bag with a plain tip. Fill pastry bag with the cocoa cream. Pipe the bottom half of each éclair with the cocoa cream
3. Dip the top half of the éclair lightly into the chocolate glaze, letting the excess drip off. Set the top half back onto bottom of the éclair that has been filled with the cocoa cream. (Alternatively you can also brush the chocolate glaze onto the top half of the éclair.)
4. Serve right away or keep chilled until ready to serve. Make 8 large éclairs.


How long does love last and when does it bloom and shrivel? Love has two sides to it. There's the fluttering of the heart and warmth. And wanting to become someone better than you are... Like nature that spawns life, love can uplift a depressed spirit. There are times when you are consumed by jealousy as well. The urge to have someone's exclusive attention. And misunderstandings that arise from being insecure and feeling inferior... You cannot make a person love you back. Just like how you cannot choose when you will die, love is also like that. It's something you have no control over. We grow and mature as people through love.--MBC Global Media
This drama will tell the story about a man who falls in love with the dead boss' woman, comes to meet another young woman. Han Tae Sang is the trusty under-man and gets caught up in a whirlwind of love. --HanCinema





La Vie Est Belle is a new Lancome fragrance, available on the market from fall 2012. The concept of this fragrance is centered on the idea of natural and simple beauty, freedom from conventions and the choice of once own vision of happiness. The fragrance is a kind of outlook on life, inspired by joy and pleasure in small things.
This gourmand yet elegant composition is developed by perfumers Olivier Polge,Dominique Ropion and Anne Flipo. The final formula is the result achieved after three years of probation and 5000 versions. Iris is the key ingredient of the perfume, surrounded by orange blossoms and jasmine in the heart. The composition’s opening provides fruity flavors of black currant and pear, while the base is warm, gourmand and powdery due to almond-like accords of tonka bean, praline, patchouli and vanilla.
The flacon is a redesigned version of the classic Lancome bottle from 1949. Actress Julia Roberts is the face of the campaign, shot by director Tarsem Singh.  It is available in EDP concentration.

Personal Review: A very lasting fragrance throughout the day. Best used during night time or cold                                      weather.










Front Cover

Five children meet on their first day of school, one bright September morning. Drawn by that magical spark of connection that happens to the young, Gabby, Billy, Izzie, Andy and Sean - each bursting with their own personality, all with strikingly different looks and diverse talents - soon become an inseparable group, known to everyone else as the Big Five.
As they grow up, their seemingly perfect lives are altered by families falling apart, unfortunate mistakes, and losses and victories great and small. Throughout their adolescence, the five are able to turn back to their trusted group to regain their footing and steady their course. But as they emerge from school, their futures seem neither safe nor clear. As their lives separate, the challenges and risks they face become greater, the losses sharper, and it becomes much harder to know the right path to choose.
But despite life's ups and downs, together they are able to face up to challenges with the help of the important bonds forged all those years ago. And the five realise just how lucky they are to treasure valuable friendships that last a lifetime.
Personal Review: This story reminds me of my own childhood friends. Five of us, as michievous and playful and always having fun together. As time passes by, adulthood get into place and the real colours of life made every each and everyone of us gone our separate ways. This book tells exactly what and how our friendship bond though we could have not been together anymore now. Love this book!!

Pertemuan pertama Farid Ammar, seorang lelaki metroseksual, dan Rosmina, seorang gadis kebun yang comot, memberikan persepsi yang kurang menyenangkan di antara mereka. 
Pertemuan demi pertemuan antara mereka telah membuat hati Ammar mekar dengan bunga-bunga cinta buat Rosmina. Malangnya di saat Rosmina ingin membalas perasaan Ammar muncul pula gadis bernama Surina. Di waktu yang sama Rosmina juga disahkan mempunyai ketumbuhan di dalam rahimnya yang membuat dia merasa dirinya tidak layak untuk mendampingi Ammar. Kehadiran Surina dan keadaan diri yang serba kekurangan membuat Rosmina nekad untuk menjauhkan diri dari Ammar. 
"Tak cakap apa? Su ingat kami tak tahu apa yang Su dah buat. Kenapa busuk sangat hati Su? Su ingat kalau Mina tu tak nakkan abang, abang akan terima Su. Maaf Su, abang takkan sesekali terima Su walaupun dah tak ada perempuan lain lagi dalam dunia ni. Ingat! Kalau Su cuba dekati Rosmina dan buat cerita yang bukan-bukan lagi abang takkan teragak-agak untuk musnahkan hidup Su."
Ikutilah kesudahan kisah cinta di Cameron Highlands di antara Ammar dan Rosmina ini yang penuh dengan suka duka dan pelbagai dugaan.

Review: Memang selalu si comot lah yang memikat kalbu. Biar Comot di wajah tapi tetap cantik di Hati....

LUQMAN HARIEZ disuruh memilih salah seorang daripada tujuh cucu perempuan mak tok untuk dijadikan isteri, sementelah hatinya masih kosong. Malangnya, dia cuma diberi masa seminggu untuk mengenali hati budi mereka. Semua ini dilakukan demi menghormati permintaan opah dan mak tok. 

Sejak mula lagi, Hariez dapat merasakan bahawa Husna, gadis yang paling cantik dan lemah lembut, seakan-akan sudah mengisi ruang di hatinya. Pada masa yang sama, dia turut terpaut pada Tija, cucu perempuan bongsu mak tok yang bersifat keanak-anakan, namun hatinya penuh dengan kasih sayang dan keceriaan. Bila masanya tiba, Hariez telah memilih salah seorang daripada mereka berdua. Namun pilihannya telah mendapat tentangan hebat. Bagi Hariez, itulah pilihan yang paling tepat dan dia tidak mahu berganjak lagi dari keputusannya. 

Dapatkah Hariez dan pilihannya disatukan? Mampukah perkenalan yang singkat menghidupkan suasana indah dalam rumah tangganya? “Cinta datang sendiri, ia satu anugerah dan aku tak perlukan sebab untuk mencintainya. Setiap kali aku pandang wajahnya, aku tahu itulah wajah kesayanganku. Aku cuma mencari kasih sayang

Review: Jalan cerita yang menarik, bersahaja, serta kagum dengan watak Hariez. Mana nak cari lelaki macam Hariez ni sekarang? Lelaki sekarang kebanyakkannya lihat rupa dan harta terlebih dahulu. Hati belakang kira!!

Alisa bukanlah anak gadis yang nakal mana pun. Tapi bila mak dengan ayah sudah mula tidak percayakan diri dia, apa lagi yang dia boleh buat?
“Kami nak satukan kamu dengan Hafiz sebelum kami bertolak ke Mekah.”
Yang menjadi masalah buat Alisa apabila ‘TIDAK’ bukan salah satu pilihan jawapan yang dia ada. Dan dia pula tidaklah pernah terfikir hendak melarikan diri daripada keluarga. Senakal-nakal Alisa, kasih sayang mak dengan ayah masih mampu membuatkan dia mengikut kata mereka. Tapi macam mana pula dengan cita-cita dia?
“Dia itulah ustaz di sekolah aku. Ustaz yang popular pula tu sebab masih belum berpunya. Hendak dikatakan handsome, semestinya tidak. Pada aku, dia bukanlah tergolong di dalam lelaki idaman aku. Tetapi, kalau sudah ramai yang mahu mengisi borang untuk masuk ‘Kelab Peminat Ustaz Hafiz’ sekiranya kelab itu wujud, mestilah dia tu ada rupa, ya tak? Aduh! Tidak fasal-fasal dia menjadi kepunyaan aku pula.”
Macam mana agaknya apabila Alisa yang berperangai gila-gila terpaksa hidup dengan Hafiz yang hidupnya skema? Tapi skema ke Hafiz kalau perangainya suka menyakat Alisa sejak lahir sehinggalah besar?
“Cuma aku harap, kahwin ni bukan bermakna hidup aku berakhir. Well, kau tahulah kan. Cita-cita aku ni tinggi. Pada aku umur baya kita ni sebenarnya hidup kita baru bermula. Mana nak belajar, nak kerja. Aku harap, everything is going to be well.”
Alisa. Cita-citanya setinggi langit, cintanya masih belum pernah berputik. Akan wujudkah cinta buat si suami dan bertahankah jodoh mereka berdua? Perlukah salah seorang berkorban hanya untuk membuatkan cita-citanya kesampaian?

Review: Sabar betul si Ustaz Hafiz ni. Apa nak buat hati da suka kat Alisa, gadis ala tomboy yang kasar dan berkawan dengan lelaki aje. Bila dan bernikah dengan Ustaz masih jugak nak berlagak naif...isy.. Apa pun kalau niat ikhlas bernikah kerana Allah....insya'allah kebahagiaan pasti menunggu. criter sendiri plak!


Pengembaraan Noorul ke alam yang serba baru bermula semenjak menjadi pembantu rumah di penthouse mewah seorang lelaki kacak bernama Harris Tan Sri Hamdan, yang cerewetnya mengalahkan nenek kebayan. Oleh kerana sifatnya yang cerewet itu, Noorul menggelar Harris Mr. F. Kenapa F, bukan G atau H? Kerana F itu adalah untuk ‘fussy’ atau di dalam bahasa Melayunya cerewet! Semua yang Noorul lakukan sentiasa mengundang tengkingan dan jelingan tajam Mr. F.

Daripada berbalas-balas  nota berkaitan dengan kerja  pada awalnya, entah bagaimana mereka boleh makan semeja. Semakin lama Noorul mengenali Mr. F semakin banyak pula sebab yang dia temui untuk mencintai lelaki itu.

Fitnah yang melanda menyebabkan Noorul dan Mr. F terpaksa dinikahkan. Gusarnya hati, Allah sahaja yang tahu kerana dia tidak pasti sama ada Mr. F boleh menerimanya sebagai isteri atau tidak. Noorul mula berteka-teki sendiri tentang siapa dalang di dalam penyebaran fitnah ini. Adakah angkara Asyraf, yang sememangnya berdendam dengan Noorul? Atau pun, musuh perniagaan Tan Sri Hamdan? Mampukah Noorul dan Mr. F melayari bahtera rumah tangga bersama? Bagaimana pula dengan Elisa yang sememangnya cintakan Mr. F? Apa pula yang akan terjadi apabila Nurina, bekas kekasih Mr. F pulang ke Malaysia untuk menagih kembali cinta daripada lelaki itu? Haikal pula, dapatkah menerima Noorul, orang yang dicintainya sebagai kakak ipar?

Review: Criter nie mungkin ala2 Fairytale kot? Mana ada majikan suka dan kahwin dengan Maid sendiri. Hmmm....tak boleh cakap jugak. Banyak kes majikan lelaki kawin dengan maid sendiri sekarang nie. Apa2 pun suka sangat nak jumpa majikan yang ada wajah ala2 Kpop tu...hehehe...Noorul maid yang bertuah dapat bernikah dengan majikan kaya. Aku pun naaaak!!

1. Start Laughing
Laughing reduces stress while releasing feel-good hormones and improves your immune system so watch a funny movie like The HangoverDate Night or Friday to instantly get more energy.
2. Get Motivated
Read this quote…
"People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals / that is, goals that do not inspire them." -Anthony Robbins-
What that quote is saying is… You aren't tired - you just lack energy due to you not being strongly motivated about something so Go here to get motivated & get more energy instantly
3. Drink Water
Not drinking enough water reduces your circulation giving your muscles less oxygen making you feel tired so …
Make sure you're drinking at least a liter of water each day and also drink plenty of water while working out to stay energized.
4. Conquer Food Intolerances
If you notice that you get sluggish or very tired after eating certain foods then you probably have a food intolerance to that certain food and…
You need to take note of those foods that cause your energy levels to drop and you need to stop eating those foods and replace them with healthier alternatives.
You can Use this free food journal here to help you keep track of what foods tend to make you tired or more energized.

5. Eat Some Iron
Iron gives you more energy by carrying more oxygen throughout your body and you can get lots of iron from iron-rich foods like beans & red meats and…
Women who lose lots of iron during heavy menstruation can avoid getting tired bySupplementing with iron and/or Eating more iron-rich foods.
6. Go Outside
According to research done at the University of Rochester… Students who spent just 20 minutes a day outside felt more energetic than those who didn't probably because…
Sunlight triggers your brain to release serotonin which helps to boost your mood and energy levels.

7. Eat Chia Seeds
The Ancient Aztecs and Mayans carried chia seeds with them to give them enough strength & endurance to help them complete long journeys and…
  • The health pioneer Paul Bragg did an experiment where he had one group of people eat JUST chia seeds and another group of people who ate whatever they wanted and amazingly…
  • The group eating only chia seeds finished a long hike up a mountain 4 hours faster than the group who ate whatever they wanted and…
You can add Chia Seeds to all kinds of snacks and recipes to increase your energy.
8. Sleep 6-to-8 Hours Each Night
Not getting enough sleep may be the #1 reason why you're always feeling tired and See how sleeping can help with weight loss butbasically…
  • If it takes you up to 30 minutes to fall asleep then that's a sign you're getting enough sleep and…
  • If you fall asleep as soon as you lay down in bed and/or if you fall asleep while at work then those are signs you are not getting enough sleep meaning your energy levels are low.
9. Reduce Stress
Too much stress saps your energy and reducing your stress will easily increase your energy so…
  • See 99 ways to reduce stress and also…
  • Reduce clutter, clean up and get organized and…
  • Vent your feelings instead of keeping them pent up inside you and…
  • Let go of grudges & practice forgiveness and…
  • Look more on the brighter side and stop worrying TOO MUCH about the worst of things to reduce stress.
10. Don't Sit Down For Long Periods Of Time
Sitting for a long period of time tends to make you tired & lazy so make it a point to get up and walk around after sitting for 30-to-60 minutes at a time to re-energize yourself
11. Fix Your Posture
Poor posture makes your body use more energy to make you stay upright leaving you with less energy for your normal daily activities so…
12. Hang Out With Friends
Being lonely can put you in a bad mood and simply hanging out with friends (especially those that make you laugh) can improve your mood leading to much more energy.
13. Lose Weight
Being overweight puts an extra strain on your body making you feel less energetic so just imagine how you would feel if you wore a 20 pound weight vest all day and then…
Imagine how much better you would feel if you lost 10, 20 or maybe even 50 pounds depending on how overweight you are so see How to lose weight fast
14. Never Eat Big Meals
It's best to eat 4-to-6 smaller meals to keep your energy levels higher and your hunger levels down because…
  • Eating a large meals forces your body to digest a lot of food at one time taking away a lot of your energy making you feel sluggish plus…
  • Big meals also cause you to get bloated easily making you look fatter than you actually are.
15. Use Caffeine
Caffeine will quickly give you more energy because it boost your alertness, increases your work capacity and it enables you to perform your intellectual tasks more easily but if you use caffeine…
16. Snack On Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate contains enough caffeine to give you an energy boost plus it gives you a rush of endorphins.
17. Use Lavender Soaps
Studies at the University of Miami show that the lavender's aroma increases production of the alertness-inducing beta waves in the brain leaving you with more energy.
18. Eat Right
Avoid these bad foods here that will only give you a quick boost of energy and then make your energy levels come crashing down soon afterwards and instead…
Eat more of these energy producing foods here like more complex carbs (such as oatmeal, fruits & veggies) and more lean proteins (such as nuts, beans & fish) that fill you up quicker giving you longer lasting energy.
19. Make Sure You Eat Breakfast
Not eating breakfast will cause you to eat a much bigger meal later in the day due to hunger making your energy levels drop quickly (see #14 above) and…
Eating a good breakfast that's full of complex carbs and lean proteins will kick-start your metabolism keeping your energy levels steady for 2-to-4 hours until your next meal.
20. Get your B's
Taking a B-complex supplement will give you more energy because many of the B vitamins are required by your body to make energy and actually… Fatigue is a symptom of being low in the B-complex vitamins.
21. Take A Power Nap
Take a short 20-to-45 minute nap in the afternoon to boost your energy throughout the day until bedtime.
A Harvard study shows that taking a 30 minute nap prevents your energy levels from getting lower and that a 60 minute nap will boost your energy and performance levels.
22. Get More Magnesium
A diet low in Magnesium can also cause you to be tired because Magnesium is needed by your body to break down glucose into energy so to get enough Magnesium in your diet…
You can eat more almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, more whole grains and fish to get more energy or you can Take a magnesium supplement.
Smoking lowers the levels of oxygen in your body plus the nicotine makes it harder for to sleep rapidly decreasing your energy.
24. Get More Omega-3s
The Omega-3 fats found in fish, nuts and canola oil help keep your brain cells healthy which lead to you being more mentally alert & energetic.
25. Throw Water In Your Face
Splashing water in your face or taking a shower is a simple trick to quickly boost your energy after feeling tired.
26. Play Your Favorite Song
Playing music is one of the best ways to get into a better mood and increase your energy and as a matter of fact…
Many studies show how you can workout longer & harder while listening to music meaning you'll burn more fat much faster.
27. Breathe With Your Belly
At times when you get stressed out you tend to take more chest breaths which are short shallow breaths resulting in you getting less 'energizing' oxygen throughout your body but…
When you breathe with your belly (which is called diaphragmatic breathing) your belly will expand and fill with much more 'energizing' oxygen and belly-breathing helps you deal with stress better and to get a perfect idea of how to do belly breathing…
Place your hand above your belly button and when you inhale your hand should rise and when you exhale your hand will sink back down.
28. Be A Hero
Doing some good in the world and helping to make somebody else life better can actually give you more energy because according to a study in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior…
Volunteer work boosts your energy in 6 ways by…
  1. Enhancing your level of happiness
  2. Enhancing your level of life satisfaction
  3. Enhancing your self-esteem
  4. Enhancing your level of sense of control over your life
  5. Enhancing your level of physical health and…
  6. Putting you in a much better mood
You can become a hero simply by going to, or
29. Exercise
Exercise makes you fall asleep faster, Exercise makes you spend more hours in deep sleep preventing you from waking up while you sleep so basically…
  • Exercise helps you sleep better so you'll wake up with a much higher level of energy and just like caffeine…
  • Exercise also acts like a natural stimulant and it also causes a massive release of endorphins to give you a quick burst of energy and if exercise seems too hard for you…
  • Start off with this easy exercise plan here that gradually increase your exercise time & intensity over a 90-day period.
30. Is Your Thyroid Normal
If you suffer from chronic fatigue and you've tried everything in the book to increase your energy naturally then you may have hypothyroidism and…
Hypothyroidism is a condition where you thyroid doesn't function properly causing your metabolism to be slower draining your energy so if you think you may have hypothyroidism…
Have your thyroid tested by a doctor or take this simple test here to see if you might have hypothyroidism but you can be proactive and look at How to treat hypothyroidism naturally without drugsto increase your energy.
31. Have More Sex
Although sex is really just another form of exercise… Sex is a fun way to get a huge rush of endorphins to put you in a much better mood to increase your energy.
32. Vitamin C
A lack of Vitamin C in your diet can lead to less energy so make sure you get enough vitamin C in your diet by Taking a Vitamin C supplement or eating more foods high Vitamin C such as oranges, tomatoes, and broccoli because…
Vitamin C is what helps the body turn fats into energy.

33. Add MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) to your diet
MCT oil increases energy without the side effects stimulants bring about.
34. Don't Rely On "Energy" Drinks For Energy
Yes - Most energy drinks will give you a quick burst of energy but just like from eating these bad foods here
Your energy levels will quickly come crashing down leaving you with even less energy than before craving another energy drink.
35. Sniff Peppermint
Psychologist at Wheeling Jesuit University found that athletes who sniffed a peppermint scent said that hey had more energy than those who did not sniff peppermint.
36. Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting gives you an adrenaline rush which gives you more energy making you more alert plus…
Intermittent Fasting increases your metabolism to helps you burn fat faster. Go here to learn more about Intermittent Fasting
37. Try this energy recipe
energy recipe